A festival of yesteryears - Visit the Taonga from our Past and feel the passion that is still alive in our Town
Friday 29th September to Sunday 1st October TE KAUAERANGA 'THAMES HERITAGE FESTIVAL 2023

This is an opportunity for us to participate in the crafts carried out by our ancestors and by the indigenous people of our area. There will be workshops, displays, talks, and fun things to do and see at all of our heritage sites. For more information email us : info@thamesheritage.co.nz or visit our website www.thamesheritage.co.nz
Price: N/a
Contact: Margaret Cropp
Phone: 07.8681024 or 021.1579343
Friday 29th September to Saturday 30th September Exhibition of Pioneer Needlework & Crafts

The Museum has a large collection of craftwork, including the intricate model buildings by Ted Egan. Displays of samplers, embroidery, needlework, tatting, lacework, smocking and pattern books will be on show. Crafters will be on hand demonstrating and displaying their handiwork. Schedule to be confirmed, check with The Museum. Open from 10.00am until 2.00pm
Venue: Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga, 503 Cochrane Street, Thames
Price: Entry to Museum: Adult $5.00 / School Student $2.00 / Family $10.00
Contact: Althea Barker at The Museum
Phone: 07.868 8509
Friday 29th September to Saturday 30th September Create a Time Capsule Quilt

The Museum will be asking for gifts of work to become part of a heritage quilt. This will serve as a 'time capsule' of crafting in 2023. Over the Friday and Saturday of Heritage weekend there will be materials available for visitors to create a piece of work and leave this on the quilt project. From knitting to crochet, felt work to weaving, painting to needlework, and much more! Check The Museum Facebook page for details. Museum open from 10.00am until 2.00pm
Venue: Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga
Price: Entry to Museum: Adult $5.00 / School Student $2.00 / Family $10.00
Contact: Althea Barker at The Museum
Phone: 07.868 8509
Friday 29th September to Sunday 1st October Gold Panning at School of Mines

One for the grown ups only! Unleash your inner prospector at The School of Mines, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00am until 11.00am. Learn the art of panning and unleash gold fever. No fancy reservations, just fancy gold flakes. Show up, pan out, and pocket some gold. At $10.00 per person it is a small price for some big glitter. Time to dust off those dreams of chasing gold, and spaces are limited so DON'T miss out!
Venue: Thames School of Mines, Cochrane Street, Thames
Price: $10.00 pp
Contact: The School of Mines
Phone: 07 868 6227
Friday 29th September to Saturday 30th September Historical & Vintage Knitting

A history of this heritage craft will be displayed with an emphasis on fairisle, together with a hands-on workshop. Fairisle refers to a style of stranded colourwork knitting traditional to the Shetland Islands in the Northern Hebrides. It is knitted in the round with repeated motifs, and the sleeve holes are made through steeking. It has had several resurgences, especially in the 1930's when it was associated with sportswear, and then in the 1940's when the use of scrap wool made it popular during a time of rationing. In more recent times there has been an increase in interest in traditional techniques, as well as the aesthetic pleasure of it. Laura will be on hand to demonstrate what knitting in the round looks like and how steeking works.
Venue: Thames Museum, Cnr Pollen & Cochrane Streets - 10am to 2pm
Price: Entry fee to Museum
Contact: Laura Macfehin
Friday 29th September to Saturday 30th September Traditional Carving Demonstration

A Maori carving demonstration of a ceremonial Hoe/Paddle in Hauraki Pakati/Pattern by renowned carver Darin Jenkins. Darin has been carving for 20 years, is a teacher of traditional Maori carving, and educates people with the history and meaning of his craft. Museum open from 10.00am to 2.00pm
Venue: Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga, 503 Cochrane Street, Thames
Price: N/a
Contact: Tawhaki Products
Friday 29th September 10am Shortland Cemetery Tour

This tour will cover both lower and upper portions of this historic cemetery, with a focus on aspects of the site's history, selected individuals lying at rest, grave marker iconography, grave architecture, and current issues relating to historic closed cemeteries. You will require good footwear, reasonable standard of physical fitness, appropriate clothing for hot/cold day, robust sense of humour, drink and snack if required, curiosity and respect, common and practical sense, and maybe a walking pole. Wearing heritage costume is optional. The tour is WEATHER DEPENDENT - fine weather only. If it is showering or raining the tour will be cancelled. Tour takes approximately two hours. SAFETY: The Cemetery access is difficult in places, steep with uneven surfaces, vegetation and other hazards, and some surfaces can be slippery. A safety brief will be given at the commencement of the tour. An illustrated Information Pack will be available for participants. Walk starts at 10.00am
Venue: Shortland Cemetery, Start at Danby Street - Note the street is narrow and parking may be problematic.
Price: $5.00pp (Payment at Commencement) (Limited to 30 people)
Contact: Russell Skeet
Phone: 0274 917860
Friday 29th September to Sunday 1st October Photographic Journey of Old North School

The iconic heritage Tararu School building is now home to Thames Cultural Centre. The Centre combines Thames Music & Drama and Thames Art Society, which was conceived by an enthusiastic group of artists in 1974. During the Heritage Festival there will be a photographic display of school children who attended this school, some photos from 1925 onwards, and a story from a former student, Fiona McAllistair whose father was the Headmaster, Mr Sutherland, from 1945 to 1957.
Venue: Thames Cultural Centre, 604 Tararu Road, Thames
Price: Free entry. Hours: 10.00am to 4.00pm
Contact: Helen Stuart
Phone: The Art Centre 07.8689192
Saturday 30th September 10am - 11am The Art of Mapping The Past

Join local mapping history expert Dave Wilton as he shares how to use digital mapping tools in your own historical research projects.
Venue: The Treasury Research Centre & Archive, 705 Queen Street, Thames
Price: Koha
Contact: The Treasury
Phone: 07.868 8827
Saturday 30th September The Art of Blacksmithing

The Blacksmith Shop is up and running at The Goldmine Experience, and you are able to check out how a Blacksmith crafts items out of iron or steel using various tools. Traditionally these tools were a hammer and anvil. The Blacksmith shapes the iron by first softening it in a very hot fire, which originally would have been produced by coal. You can take yourself on a self-guided tour of the Goldmine Experience, or a guided tour which includes entry into one of the richest goldmines of the early goldrush. Tour Fees are: Adult $20.00, Senior $15.00 and Child $5.00
Venue: The Goldmine Experience, SH25, North Thames
Price: Free to attend Blacksmith Shop.
Contact: Alan Young
Phone: The Goldmine 07 8688514
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Woodturning Display

Woodturning is the craft of using a wood lathe with handheld tools to cut a shape that is symmetrical. The operator is known as a 'Turner', and the skills needed to use the tools were traditionally known as 'turnery'. Today 21st Century 'Turners' restore furniture, produce custom architectural work, and create fine crafts for galleries and for household use. You can view an array of woodturned products at The Pumphouse which is open from 10.00am until 3.00pm
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, 212 Bella Street, Thames
Price: Entry by Koha
Contact: Cara Penny
Phone: 07.8687820
Saturday 30th September Thames Camera Club - Period Portraits

This is an opportunity for you to have your portrait taken in period costume
in the historic Bella Street Pumphouse. This is an immense structure dating back to the goldmining days. It has a 14-tonne crankshaft discovered underground after nearly 100 years, and now reinstalled in its original position, as well as a myriad of other mining memorabilia: A perfect backdrop for capturing the perfect portrait. You will receive a 5 x 7 print in a folder. Costumes will be available for you to dress up. Hours for Portraits: 10.00am to 2.00pm
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, 212 Bella Street, Thames
Price: Koha entry to The Pumphouse and $10.00 for Portrait
Contact: Richard Hornell
Phone: 021.233 2080
Saturday 30th September 10am - 2pm The Art of Digitising Treasures

Bring in your favourite whanau/family photo or treasure to get a digitised photo of it. Preserve those cherished memories in a modern format, ensuring that they can be cherished for years to come. Booking is highly recommended to avoid disappointment. Contact The Treasury Research Centre and Archive.
Venue: The Treasury Research Centre & Archive, 705 Queen Street, Thames
Price: Free
Contact: The Treasury
Phone: 07. 868 8827
Saturday 30th September Print Making Workshops

Print making is an ancient art form developed in China during the Han Dynasty around 206BC. It originally used a carved wooden block to print onto silk. Our print making workshop will explore this traditional art form using a thin piece of foam board which is drawn on, inked up, and passed through a portable printing press. Paper images can be built up using layer upon layer of colour and texture to create your individual artwork. There will be two workshops : 1.00pm to 2.00pm, and 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Space is limited, please book.
Venue: Vessel Gallery, 752 Pollen Street, Thames
Price: $18.00pp - Please book a space
Contact: Sue : www.scarletlake.co.nz
Phone: 0277.409071
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Native Bird Artistry

This year NZ Forest and Bird Society turns 100 years old. To celebrate this we are inviting you to exhibit a "work of art" - painting, drawing or photo - of our wonderful native feathered friends. These will be displayed during our Festival. Feeding birds is a simple way to increase the number of birds in your garden so you can enjoy the colour, song and beauty of our beautiful friends. Tui and Bellbird are nectar feeders, and fantails prefer insects. In Winter when natural food sources are low, most wild birds will eat seeds. To make Nectar mix 200gm of white sugar into 1Lt of warm water, and when cool add to your nectar feeder and hang from a strong branch. A seed mix can contain millet, rape seed, wheat, barley and sorghum. Happy bird spotting!! Your "works of art" should be to us by Thursday 28th September.
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, 212 Bella Street, Thames
Price: Koha Entry to The Pumphouse
Contact: Margaret Cropp
Phone: 07.8681024 or 021.1579343
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Shizzle Art - By Sharron

Take some pieces found in nature and capture them in resin as a beautiful work of art. Sharron has been making jewellery for ten years using many different styles including kumihimo (bead weaving). She is now working with resin and the many earthly treasures that can be found on our beaches and in our gardens. These treasures which highlight the beauty of NZ paua, shells, flora and fauna will be on display at The Pumphouse for you to admire and purchase during the Festival. The Pumphouse hours are 10.00am to 3.00pm
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, Thames
Price: Koha entry to The Pumphouse
Contact: Sharron McCaskill
Phone: 027.366.6058
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Beauty Found in Thames Coast

The artist, Andy, is an ex-fisherman who knows our coast in fine detail. His love of the sea has inspired his work, and the beauty of our coastline has been captured in his paintings. Andy has been painting for many years and his work adorns many walls here and in Australia. He recently painted a mural for Moanatairi School in Thames to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. The collection of paintings will be on display at The Pumphouse and will be available for purchase during the Festival.
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, 212 Bella Street, Thames
Price: Koha entry to The Pumphouse
Contact: Andrew McCaskill - Andy Mac Art
Phone: 027.456 2311
Saturday 30th September 12:30pm - 1:30pm Jewellery Making Workshop

Join us for a hands-on jewellery workshop with artists Sharron McCaskill and Suze McElroy at Thames School of Mines on Saturday September 30th, 12.30pm to 1.30pm. Create, and take home two stunning earrings made with semi-precious gemstone beads. Limited to 8 participants. The cost of $30.00 covers instruction and components. An additional cost is the gemstone beads for your earrings which will be available for selection and purchase on site, with a wide array of options to suit every budget. Don't miss this chance to learn and craft your own wearable artwork. Secure your spot now!
Venue: Thames School of Mines, Mineralogical Museum, Cochrane Street, Thames
Price: $30.00 pp Plus instore purchase of beads
Contact: Suze McElroy
Phone: School of Mines 07 868 6227
Saturday 30th September 11am Hearts of Gold

Written for the 1927 Golden Jubilee of Thames, and now sung again for our Festival together with "My Own New Zealand Home" which was composed in the 1880's. The singers will perform songs through the years ending with a Six60 number.
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, Thames - 11.00am to 1.00pm
Price: Koha entry to The Pumphouse
Contact: Cara Penny
Phone: 07.8687820 or 028.402.4086
Saturday 30th September Artists at Work - Thames Art Society

Raewyn Penrose, a well known fabric artist and tutor will demonstrate the art of felting, and how she turns the medium into a wearable garment or unique accessory. It is a fun thing to do, so come and check it out! Time: 10.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: Thames Cultural Centre, 604 Tararu Road, Thames
Price: N/a
Contact: Helen Stuart
Phone: Art Centre 07 8689192
Saturday 30th September 10pm - 4pm Artist at Work - Screen Printing

Peter Sephton, a well known Coromandel artist who specializes in Screen Printing artwork, will demonstrate this art on cards and is happy for people to come and "have a go". Peter has his own studio and years of experience in this medium.
Venue: Thames Cultural Centre, 604 Tararu Road, Thames
Price: N/a
Contact: Helen Stuart
Phone: Art Centre 07 8689192
Saturday 30th September 12pm - 2pm I Always Wanted to Play The Harp

Harpists Anna Dunwoodie and Katherine Mowbray will have a range of celtic harps available for anyone who would like to take the opportunity to try playing a harp, and maybe even learn a well known song. All ages and sizes - children and adults are welcome to try. The title of this session comes from one of the most commonly heard phrases when we bring a harp into the public eye - and why wouldn't you want to play - they are gorgeous instruments.
Venue: The Treasury Research Centre, 705 Queen Street, Thames
Price: Koha
Contact: Anna Dunwoodie
Phone: 027 2242711
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Steam into Life

Steam-up doesn't happen very often so get down to the Goldmine for a show of steam produced by an engine which dates back to the 1890's. It has been restored and fired into life by the dedicated engine buffs of Hauraki Prospectors Assn. The Goldmine Experience opens at 10.00am.
Venue: The Goldmine Experience, SH25, North Thames
Price: Free to watch Steam-up
Contact: Alan Young
Phone: The Goldmine 07 8688514
Saturday 30th September Music by Bit of Bling

"Bit of Bling" ukelele group will be performing at the Museum from 11.00am to 12noon on the Saturday of the Festival. Come along, find your voice, and enjoy a sing-along.
Venue: Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga, 503 Cochrane Street, Thames
Price: Adult $5.00 / School Student $2.00 / Family $10.00
Contact: Althea Barker at The Museum
Phone: 07.868 8509
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Birds of a Feather Exhibition

This exhibition is inspired by period artists, costumiers, milliners, needleworkers, embroiderers, and window dressers. Utilising sustainable materials, recycled and/or repurposed fabrics, feathers, trims, books and curios sourced from the treasure trove of Thames' Op Shops, Jen has created a series of dioramas/layered displays to showcase her latest range of hats and paintings. She has explored the technique of eggshell mosaics, brush painting, decoupage, millinery (hat making), and pigment painting in her latest works. Jen is a local mixed media artist known for her black and white 'snapshot' paintings and classic Coromandel landscapes. Her most recent mural (painted in 2021) for the Kopu Station Hotel was inspired by the early New Zealand bullock teams that worked in the Kauaeranga Valley.
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, Thames: Open 10.00am
Price: Koha entry to The Pumphouse
Contact: Jenny Hawkeswood
Phone: 021.252 7737
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Decoupage

Decoupaged pieces of art will be on display on Saturday and Sunday of the Festival.
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, 212 Bella Street, Thames
Price: Koha entry to The Pumphouse
Contact: Margaret Cropp
Phone: 021 1579343
Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October Native Birds in Colour

Pam's art will be on display in the NZ Native Bird Art Exhibition during the Festival.
Venue: Bella Street Pumphouse, 212 Bella Street, Thames
Price: Koha
Contact: Pam Mayos
Sunday 1st October Historic Kopu Bridge Open 9.00am to 2.00pm

This historic bridge which runs across the Waihou River will be open to the public on the Sunday of the Festival with activities and a BBQ. The bridge will be open from 9.00am until 2.00pm with the swingspan opening at 1.00pm. This bridge is a Heritage NZ Category 1 Historical Place and was opened in 1928. You can access the bridge by the Hauraki Cycle Trail, or by car from Pakura Close which runs off Kopu Road.
Venue: Historic Kopu Bridge, Kopu
Price: Koha
Contact: Gary Blake
Phone: 021 962 458
Sunday 1st October Find some Fun on The Train

Thames had its heyday in rail back in the 1800's when A & G Price Ltd was manufacturing steam and diesel locomotives for NZ Railways Dept. The Thames branch railway was completed in 1898, and today the only operating train runs on the small-gauge railway line which is manned by volunteers, members of The Model Engineering Association of NZ. You can rediscover your childhood and climb aboard the small train of fun on the Sunday of our Festival and it is gauranteed that you'll find yourself laughing and having a great time. Toot, toot!!
Venue: Thames Small Gauge Railway, Grahamstown Station, 401 Brown Street
Price: $2.00pp
Contact: Russell Skeet
Phone: 0274.917 860
Sunday 1st October 10pm - 4pm Artist at Work - Copperwork

Helen Stuart works with copper and over the years has steadily built up her knowledge of this medium. She will demonstrate how the colour is incorporated into the piece of copper, and is happy to let people "have a go", and make your own pendant.
Venue: Thames Cultural Centre, 604 Tararu Road, Thames
Price: N/a
Contact: Helen Stuart
Phone: Art Centre 07 8689192
Sunday 1st October 12pm - 1:30pm Public Talk : Heritage Bottles

Small bottles were an everyday feature of the Goldfields. Join Arthur Harsant and Brian Loveday as they discuss the Thames School of Mines glass bottle collection. View a small exhibition of glass bottles and hear about some interesting finds.
Venue: Thames School of Mines, Cochrane Street, Thames
Price: Koha entry
Contact: Thames School of Mines
Phone: 07 868 6227
© Thames Heritage Event Trust 2023